The Atomic Bomb


We think that the discovery of nuclear energy is very fascinating because we learned that great energy can even come from very small atomic masses, that even though scientists believed that atoms can no longer be divided any further, it happened through nuclear fission of Uranium. It has been able to help in the creation of atomic bombs through nuclear fission. When uncontrolled, it results to a nuclear explosion but when controlled, it is able to produce energy. This energy is controlled by a nuclear reactor. Now, many countries use nuclear countries for their power plants. Using nuclear energy is advantageous because it is environment-friendly which means it doesn’t emit greenhouse gases compared to fossil fuels and gives more energy compared to wind or hydro energy. After reading the articles, we can see that the focus would be the American’s point of view because it focused mostly on the positive effects of the discovery of the nuclear fission of Uranium and the atomic bomb, that it was a significant breakthrough. The studies of the atomic bomb came from the USA and Japan. From Japan because there they have seen the effects of the atomic bomb and the radiation on the people. It was researched and discovered by a group of German scientists, which was led by Albert Einstein and his colleague, Leo Szilard. They were all working for the USA. They were able to get the support of the government, evidenced by President Roosevelt’s decision to even make an “Advisory Committee on Uranium” and later the Manhattan Project. Roosevelt died and Truman took place. What he did, after knowing that the US was creating an atomic bomb, was to drop it on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.


The atom is simlar to the solar system.It is a cluster of Protons, Electrons and Neatrons. IN the center of the atom is the Nucleus which is composed of generally Neutrons and Protons.Protons are positively charged while electrons are negatively charged.Neutrons on the on the other hand are neutral.Some things that we have to understand how the A-bomb works are fission and fusion. This reaction is simply the nucleus of the atom shattering into pieces and causing this kind of explosion.The goal in making an A-bomb is to have the nucleus split but there are a lot of stable atoms in nature so we go with the metal Uranium-235 .The atoms of Uranium-235 are big therefore, it’s harder for them to stay together making them a better material for fission.Atoms are technically the fuel in an atomic bomb the splitting of the nucleus and the movement of the electrons.


The group strongly believes that atoms are crucial to the study of science, but to split atoms in a manner as the one performed in the article is illegal; since if not handled in the prescribed manner, atoms can create energy so strong that it could already cause harm. Learning about atoms can help man learn how to use it to its maximum capabilities, and should therefore be encouraged. The group does not agree however, when atoms are used solely to create weapons of destruction because it is not what the atoms are intended to be for. Atoms are the building blocks of matter, and to use them for destruction and to harm people would be a misuse of science. Fortunately, not all atoms could be used to create atomic bombs. Atoms with heavier nuclei are usually used to make the atom bomb (plutonium and uranium). Making this kind of bomb is not easy. It would require great skill and mastery of science particularly in chemistry to achieve nuclear fission perfectly and make a functional atomic bomb.


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